3 minutes
Useful Postgres commands
Here is a list of Postgres basic commands:
\? list all the commands
\l list databases
\conninfo display information about current connection
\c [DBNAME] connect to new database, e.g., \c template1
\dt (list tables of the public schema)
\dt <schema-name>.* list tables of certain schema, e.g., \dt public.*
\dt *.* list tables of all schemas
Then you can run SQL statements, e.g., SELECT * FROM my_table;(Note: a statement must be terminated with semicolon ;)
\d table (Describe table structure)
\q (quit psql)
\i path/to/file.sql (Import data)
\copy (SELECT * FROM utilisateurs) TO 'path/to/file.csv' WITH CSV HEADER; (export data)
SET search_path TO myschema; (Select schema)
SHOW search_path; (See selected schema)
\dn (list schemas OR "SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata;")
I recommand the usage of pgadmin4 to manage your Postgres Databases.
Install PSQL Client
On ubuntu
apt-get update
apt-get install -y postgresql-client
Connect to specific local DB
psql your_db your_username
Connect to remote DB
Dump DB
pg_dump -Fc my_db > /tmp/db.dump
# restore
# pg_restore -d new_db /tmp/db.dump
Restore DB:
pg_restore path_to_backup_file.backup --dbname=your_db --username=your_username --clean
# -d <=> --dbname
# -U <=> --username
# --clean = clean (drop) database objects before recreating
Create a DB with a particular role:
OWNER = postgres
Drop DB:
drop database your_db;
Close all sessions:
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = 'you_db';
Truncate all tables from DB
(It is as if you remove the data but keep the schema.)
# Create Schema dump of database (schema-only)
pg_dump your_db -s > schema.sql
# Drop database
drop database your_db;
# Create Database
create database your_db;
4) Import Schema
psql your_db < schema.sql
In case you want to create a script can execute SQL commands the Terminal using the -c flag:
$ psql -c "YOUR SQL QUERY;"
Roles vs Users vs Groups
“CREATE ROLE”, “CREATE USER”, and “CREATE GROUP” were different couple of years ago. Since group management has changed these 3 commands are (almost) the same. They all still exist for the sake of compatibility. There is all the same a slight difference between for example “CREATE ROLE” and “CREATE USER”. “CREATE ROLE” will create a default user that cannot login (NOLOGIN), even though “CREATE USER” will create a user with the LOGIN attribute. .
List roles:
# or
Create a role:
create role your_role
Create user:
create user your_user with encrypted password 'user_password';
Grant all priviledges to user on database:
grant all privileges on database your_db to your_user;
On Centos 7
yum install postgresql-server postgresql-contrib
# Initialize the DB
postgresql-setup initdb
# Start the service
systemctl start postgresql
# Starts with system
systemctl enable postgresql
Change user to postgres and connect to the client to check if it works
su postgres
brew install postgresql
brew services start postgres
Database modeler
It can be very useful to generate the database graph to see all relations betweens tables.
There is a great tool that can help. It is opensource and works perfectly with Postgres 11+. It is called pgmodeler and it is available here: https://github.com/pgmodeler/pgmodeler.git
Here is the procedure to install it on OSX. (You need Xcode installed)
brew install qt
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/qt/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
git clone https://github.com/pgmodeler/pgmodeler.git
cd pgmodeler
git checkout the_latest_tag
# Edit the file pgmodeler.pri and replace the variables `PGSQL_LIB = /Library/PostgreSQL/11/lib/libpq.dylib` and `PGSQL_INC = /Library/PostgreSQL/11/include` with respectively `PGSQL_LIB = /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/11.4/lib/libpq.dylib` and `PGSQL_INC = /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/11.4/include`
qmake -r CONFIG+=release pgmodeler.pro
make && make install
open /Applications/pgmodeler.app
Great Python ORM
SQLAlchemy is a great Python ORM. Here are few useful links to manage to model your Postgres DB using Python and this library: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/orm/basic_relationships.html