This notebook aims at getting a good insight in the data for the PorteSeguro competition. Besides that, it gives some tips and tricks to prepare your data for modeling. The notebook consists of the following main sections:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFromModel
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100)
train = pd.read_csv('../input/train.csv')
test = pd.read_csv('../input/test.csv')
Here is an excerpt of the the data description for the competition:
Ok, that's important information to get us started. Let's have a quick look at the first and last rows to confirm all of this.
We indeed see the following
Let's look at the number of rows and columns in the train data.
We have 59 variables and 595.212 rows. Let's see if we have the same number of variables in the test data.
Let's see if there are duplicate rows in the training data.
No duplicate rows, so that's fine.
We are missing one variable in the test set, but this is the target variable. So that's fine.
Let's now invesigate how many variables of each type we have.
So later on we can create dummy variables for the 14 categorical variables. The bin variables are already binary and do not need dummification.
Again, with the info() method we see that the data type is integer or float. No null values are present in the data set. That's normal because missing values are replaced by -1. We'll look into that later.
To facilitate the data management, we'll store meta-information about the variables in a DataFrame. This will be helpful when we want to select specific variables for analysis, visualization, modeling, ...
Concretely we will store:
data = []
for f in train.columns:
# Defining the role
if f == 'target':
role = 'target'
elif f == 'id':
role = 'id'
role = 'input'
# Defining the level
if 'bin' in f or f == 'target':
level = 'binary'
elif 'cat' in f or f == 'id':
level = 'nominal'
elif train[f].dtype == float:
level = 'interval'
elif train[f].dtype == int:
level = 'ordinal'
# Initialize keep to True for all variables except for id
keep = True
if f == 'id':
keep = False
# Defining the data type
dtype = train[f].dtype
# Creating a Dict that contains all the metadata for the variable
f_dict = {
'varname': f,
'role': role,
'level': level,
'keep': keep,
'dtype': dtype
meta = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['varname', 'role', 'level', 'keep', 'dtype'])
meta.set_index('varname', inplace=True)
Example to extract all nominal variables that are not dropped
meta[(meta.level == 'nominal') & (meta.keep)].index
Below the number of variables per role and level are displayed.
pd.DataFrame({'count' : meta.groupby(['role', 'level'])['role'].size()}).reset_index()
We can also apply the describe method on the dataframe. However, it doesn't make much sense to calculate the mean, std, ... on categorical variables and the id variable. We'll explore the categorical variables visually later.
Thanks to our meta file we can easily select the variables on which we want to compute the descriptive statistics. To keep things clear, we'll do this per data type.
v = meta[(meta.level == 'interval') & (meta.keep)].index
Overall, we can see that the range of the interval variables is rather small. Perhaps some transformation (e.g. log) is already applied in order to anonymize the data?
v = meta[(meta.level == 'ordinal') & (meta.keep)].index
v = meta[(meta.level == 'binary') & (meta.keep)].index
As we mentioned above the proportion of records with target=1 is far less than target=0. This can lead to a model that has great accuracy but does have any added value in practice. Two possible strategies to deal with this problem are:
There are many more strategies of course and gives a nice overview. As we have a rather large training set, we can go for undersampling.
# Get the indices per target value
idx_0 = train[ == 0].index
idx_1 = train[ == 1].index
# Get original number of records per target value
nb_0 = len(train.loc[idx_0])
nb_1 = len(train.loc[idx_1])
# Calculate the undersampling rate and resulting number of records with target=0
undersampling_rate = ((1-desired_apriori)*nb_1)/(nb_0*desired_apriori)
undersampled_nb_0 = int(undersampling_rate*nb_0)
print('Rate to undersample records with target=0: {}'.format(undersampling_rate))
print('Number of records with target=0 after undersampling: {}'.format(undersampled_nb_0))
# Randomly select records with target=0 to get at the desired a priori
undersampled_idx = shuffle(idx_0, random_state=37, n_samples=undersampled_nb_0)
# Construct list with remaining indices
idx_list = list(undersampled_idx) + list(idx_1)
# Return undersample data frame
train = train.loc[idx_list].reset_index(drop=True)
Missings are represented as -1
vars_with_missing = []
for f in train.columns:
missings = train[train[f] == -1][f].count()
if missings > 0:
missings_perc = missings/train.shape[0]
print('Variable {} has {} records ({:.2%}) with missing values'.format(f, missings, missings_perc))
print('In total, there are {} variables with missing values'.format(len(vars_with_missing)))
# Dropping the variables with too many missing values
vars_to_drop = ['ps_car_03_cat', 'ps_car_05_cat']
train.drop(vars_to_drop, inplace=True, axis=1)
meta.loc[(vars_to_drop),'keep'] = False # Updating the meta
# Imputing with the mean or mode
mean_imp = Imputer(missing_values=-1, strategy='mean', axis=0)
mode_imp = Imputer(missing_values=-1, strategy='most_frequent', axis=0)
train['ps_reg_03'] = mean_imp.fit_transform(train[['ps_reg_03']]).ravel()
train['ps_car_12'] = mean_imp.fit_transform(train[['ps_car_12']]).ravel()
train['ps_car_14'] = mean_imp.fit_transform(train[['ps_car_14']]).ravel()
train['ps_car_11'] = mode_imp.fit_transform(train[['ps_car_11']]).ravel()
Cardinality refers to the number of different values in a variable. As we will create dummy variables from the categorical variables later on, we need to check whether there are variables with many distinct values. We should handle these variables differently as they would result in many dummy variables.
v = meta[(meta.level == 'nominal') & (meta.keep)].index
for f in v:
dist_values = train[f].value_counts().shape[0]
print('Variable {} has {} distinct values'.format(f, dist_values))
Only ps_car_11_cat has many distinct values, although it is still reasonable.
EDIT: nickycan made an excellent remark on the fact that my first solution could lead to data leakage. He also pointed me to another kernel made by oliver which deals with that. I therefore replaced this part with the kernel of oliver. All credits go to him. It is so great what you can learn by participating in the Kaggle competitions :)
# Script by
# Code:
def add_noise(series, noise_level):
return series * (1 + noise_level * np.random.randn(len(series)))
def target_encode(trn_series=None,
Smoothing is computed like in the following paper by Daniele Micci-Barreca
trn_series : training categorical feature as a pd.Series
tst_series : test categorical feature as a pd.Series
target : target data as a pd.Series
min_samples_leaf (int) : minimum samples to take category average into account
smoothing (int) : smoothing effect to balance categorical average vs prior
assert len(trn_series) == len(target)
assert ==
temp = pd.concat([trn_series, target], axis=1)
# Compute target mean
averages = temp.groupby([].agg(["mean", "count"])
# Compute smoothing
smoothing = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-(averages["count"] - min_samples_leaf) / smoothing))
# Apply average function to all target data
prior = target.mean()
# The bigger the count the less full_avg is taken into account
averages[] = prior * (1 - smoothing) + averages["mean"] * smoothing
averages.drop(["mean", "count"], axis=1, inplace=True)
# Apply averages to trn and tst series
ft_trn_series = pd.merge(
averages.reset_index().rename(columns={'index':, 'average'}),,
how='left')['average'].rename( + '_mean').fillna(prior)
# pd.merge does not keep the index so restore it
ft_trn_series.index = trn_series.index
ft_tst_series = pd.merge(
averages.reset_index().rename(columns={'index':, 'average'}),,
how='left')['average'].rename( + '_mean').fillna(prior)
# pd.merge does not keep the index so restore it
ft_tst_series.index = tst_series.index
return add_noise(ft_trn_series, noise_level), add_noise(ft_tst_series, noise_level)
train_encoded, test_encoded = target_encode(train["ps_car_11_cat"],
train['ps_car_11_cat_te'] = train_encoded
train.drop('ps_car_11_cat', axis=1, inplace=True)
meta.loc['ps_car_11_cat','keep'] = False # Updating the meta
test['ps_car_11_cat_te'] = test_encoded
test.drop('ps_car_11_cat', axis=1, inplace=True)
Let's look into the categorical variables and the proportion of customers with target = 1
v = meta[(meta.level == 'nominal') & (meta.keep)].index
for f in v:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,10))
# Calculate the percentage of target=1 per category value
cat_perc = train[[f, 'target']].groupby([f],as_index=False).mean()
cat_perc.sort_values(by='target', ascending=False, inplace=True)
# Bar plot
# Order the bars descending on target mean
sns.barplot(ax=ax, x=f, y='target', data=cat_perc, order=cat_perc[f])
plt.ylabel('% target', fontsize=18)
plt.xlabel(f, fontsize=18)
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=18);
As we can see from the variables with missing values, it is a good idea to keep the missing values as a separate category value, instead of replacing them by the mode for instance. The customers with a missing value appear to have a much higher (in some cases much lower) probability to ask for an insurance claim.
Checking the correlations between interval variables. A heatmap is a good way to visualize the correlation between variables. The code below is based on an example by Michael Waskom
def corr_heatmap(v):
correlations = train[v].corr()
# Create color map ranging between two colors
cmap = sns.diverging_palette(220, 10, as_cmap=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
sns.heatmap(correlations, cmap=cmap, vmax=1.0, center=0, fmt='.2f',
square=True, linewidths=.5, annot=True, cbar_kws={"shrink": .75});
v = meta[(meta.level == 'interval') & (meta.keep)].index
There are a strong correlations between the variables:
Seaborn has some handy plots to visualize the (linear) relationship between variables. We could use a pairplot to visualize the relationship between the variables. But because the heatmap already showed the limited number of correlated variables, we'll look at each of the highly correlated variables separately.
NOTE: I take a sample of the train data to speed up the process.
s = train.sample(frac=0.1)
As the regression line shows, there is a linear relationship between these variables. Thanks to the hue parameter we can see that the regression lines for target=0 and target=1 are the same.
sns.lmplot(x='ps_reg_02', y='ps_reg_03', data=s, hue='target', palette='Set1', scatter_kws={'alpha':0.3})
sns.lmplot(x='ps_car_12', y='ps_car_13', data=s, hue='target', palette='Set1', scatter_kws={'alpha':0.3})
sns.lmplot(x='ps_car_12', y='ps_car_14', data=s, hue='target', palette='Set1', scatter_kws={'alpha':0.3})
sns.lmplot(x='ps_car_15', y='ps_car_13', data=s, hue='target', palette='Set1', scatter_kws={'alpha':0.3})
Allright, so now what? How can we decide which of the correlated variables to keep? We could perform Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on the variables to reduce the dimensions. In the AllState Claims Severity Competition I made this kernel to do that. But as the number of correlated variables is rather low, we will let the model do the heavy-lifting.
v = meta[(meta.level == 'ordinal') & (meta.keep)].index
For the ordinal variables we do not see many correlations. We could, on the other hand, look at how the distributions are when grouping by the target value.
The values of the categorical variables do not represent any order or magnitude. For instance, category 2 is not twice the value of category 1. Therefore we can create dummy variables to deal with that. We drop the first dummy variable as this information can be derived from the other dummy variables generated for the categories of the original variable.
v = meta[(meta.level == 'nominal') & (meta.keep)].index
print('Before dummification we have {} variables in train'.format(train.shape[1]))
train = pd.get_dummies(train, columns=v, drop_first=True)
print('After dummification we have {} variables in train'.format(train.shape[1]))
So, creating dummy variables adds 52 variables to the training set.
v = meta[(meta.level == 'interval') & (meta.keep)].index
poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2, interaction_only=False, include_bias=False)
interactions = pd.DataFrame(data=poly.fit_transform(train[v]), columns=poly.get_feature_names(v))
interactions.drop(v, axis=1, inplace=True) # Remove the original columns
# Concat the interaction variables to the train data
print('Before creating interactions we have {} variables in train'.format(train.shape[1]))
train = pd.concat([train, interactions], axis=1)
print('After creating interactions we have {} variables in train'.format(train.shape[1]))
This adds extra interaction variables to the train data. Thanks to the get_feature_names method we can assign column names to these new variables.
Personally, I prefer to let the classifier algorithm chose which features to keep. But there is one thing that we can do ourselves. That is removing features with no or a very low variance. Sklearn has a handy method to do that: VarianceThreshold. By default it removes features with zero variance. This will not be applicable for this competition as we saw there are no zero-variance variables in the previous steps. But if we would remove features with less than 1% variance, we would remove 31 variables.
selector = VarianceThreshold(threshold=.01)['id', 'target'], axis=1)) # Fit to train without id and target variables
f = np.vectorize(lambda x : not x) # Function to toggle boolean array elements
v = train.drop(['id', 'target'], axis=1).columns[f(selector.get_support())]
print('{} variables have too low variance.'.format(len(v)))
print('These variables are {}'.format(list(v)))
We would lose rather many variables if we would select based on variance. But because we do not have so many variables, we'll let the classifier chose. For data sets with many more variables this could reduce the processing time.
Sklearn also comes with other feature selection methods. One of these methods is SelectFromModel in which you let another classifier select the best features and continue with these. Below I'll show you how to do that with a Random Forest.
Here we'll base feature selection on the feature importances of a random forest. With Sklearn's SelectFromModel you can then specify how many variables you want to keep. You can set a threshold on the level of feature importance manually. But we'll simply select the top 50% best variables.
The code in the cell below is borrowed from the GitHub repo of Sebastian Raschka. This repo contains code samples of his book Python Machine Learning, which is an absolute must to read.
X_train = train.drop(['id', 'target'], axis=1)
y_train = train['target']
feat_labels = X_train.columns
rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=1000, random_state=0, n_jobs=-1), y_train)
importances = rf.feature_importances_
indices = np.argsort(rf.feature_importances_)[::-1]
for f in range(X_train.shape[1]):
print("%2d) %-*s %f" % (f + 1, 30,feat_labels[indices[f]], importances[indices[f]]))
With SelectFromModel we can specify which prefit classifier to use and what the threshold is for the feature importances. With the get_support method we can then limit the number of variables in the train data.
sfm = SelectFromModel(rf, threshold='median', prefit=True)
print('Number of features before selection: {}'.format(X_train.shape[1]))
n_features = sfm.transform(X_train).shape[1]
print('Number of features after selection: {}'.format(n_features))
selected_vars = list(feat_labels[sfm.get_support()])
train = train[selected_vars + ['target']]
As mentioned before, we can apply standard scaling to the training data. Some classifiers perform better when this is done.
scaler = StandardScaler()
scaler.fit_transform(train.drop(['target'], axis=1))
Hopefully this notebook helped you with some tips on how to start with this competition. Feel free to vote for it. And if you have questions, post a comment.